Test Taking Tips


The Listening section tests how well you understand English spoken at school. You will listen to recordings and answer questions about what you hear. The short passages at the beginning of the test are played twice, but all other passages are played only once. You can answer the questions while you listen to the passages, or afterwards. You can choose to listen to the questions and answer choices read aloud or you can answer just on the basis of reading. The questions in the ELTiS Listening section focus on main ideas, details, and implied meanings.

To do well in the ELTiS Listening section, you should pay attention to the meaning of what the speakers on the recording are saying. You can practice, for example, by listening to the dialogue in TV programs, movies, or online videos in English and trying to understand what the speakers are saying without reading the subtitles. Tasks in language classes that involve listening to conversations or presentations and making an outline of what the speakers were saying are also helpful. While you are practicing, it is okay to listen to the passage many times, but note that you are not trying to write down every word. If writing down the dialogue helps you learn, you can do that sometimes, but in the end, your main aim should be to understand what the speakers mean.


The Reading section tests your ability to understand written English in the school context. The first two parts ask you to complete sentences in a meaningful way. They test your knowledge of academic words and phrases and grammar. In the last part of the test, you will read several textbook-like passages from a range of subject areas (such as Language Arts, Science or History). The questions ask about the main ideas, details, implied meanings, and vocabulary in context. As with the Listening section, the main aim is for you to show that you understand what the text means.

To do well in the ELTiS Reading section, you need to focus on the meaning of textbook-like text. You can practice by reading informational texts in magazines, books, and online sources and figuring out what they are saying. You can practice reading strategies such as monitoring your own understanding, keeping track of the author’s point while you read so that you notice if the text as a whole suddenly doesn’t make sense, slowing down and re-reading, and using word parts or the surrounding text to figure out the meaning of words or phrases that you don’t understand. While you are studying, it is also often helpful to look up meanings of unknown words in a dictionary, though you will not be allowed to use a dictionary during the test. Knowing the meaning of many academic words will also help you during the first part of the ELTiS Reading section.

On the day of the test